Yesterday, I got a message from one of our guests on this site that said this:
I'm just wondering... how is this site a "scam site?" this site is literally a place for people to trade and chat, and there's NO way of scamming on here. When you guys make an account on my site, I can't even see your email or your password so it's completely confidential AND that, I would hope, no on would use their Roblox password here.
I just want to establish that this is just a place to safely trade and chat. So I don't see how someone would accuse this to be a scamming site. Thank you for reading.
I love this site! it helped me a lot when i couldnt use tradire. i dont understand why anyone would think its a scam! and of course you dont have to put your phone number in! u also meet amazing ppl on here!